Custom Fields For All
6 Months Membership

Access to the Custom Fields For All extension and updates


through Private Tickets

Unlimited domains
Lifetime Usage
Full Access
6 Months Membership

Access to All the Extensions
(except Product Builder) and their updates


through Private Tickets

Unlimited domains
Lifetime Usage
Premium Access
You save 50% yearly
12 Months Membership

Access to All the Extensions and their updates


through Private Tickets

Unlimited domains
Lifetime Usage


Custom Filters Pro
6 Months Membership

Access to the Custom Filters Pro extension and updates


through Private Tickets

Unlimited domains
Lifetime Usage
Product Bundles
6 Months Membership

Access to the Product Bundles extension and updates


through Private Tickets

Unlimited domains
Lifetime Usage
Stockable Custom Fields
10 days Membership

10 days of support for the Stockable Custom Fields extension


through Private Tickets

24% VAT will be charged on top of the listed prices to residents/businesses of the European Union without a VIES-registered VAT number. Residents of Greece will be always charged with VAT. (In accordance to European Directive 2008/8/EU and its incorporation into EU member states' local laws).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can i pay?

    How can i pay?

    We are using Paypal as our payment processor. You do not need to have a paypal account to pay. Paypal accepts also the most famous credit cards such as VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. If you still cannot use paypal, please contact us to find an alternative.

    How to get an invoice?

    If you are a company you will receive a legal invoice in pdf format, in your email. We are based in EU, having a VIES valid VAT id, so you can use our invoice in your books.

    Do i have any discount if i renew my subscription, before expiration?

    You have more than 30% discount if you renew at least 5 days before the expiration and smaller discounts later. Unlike other companies you are not loosing a single day if you renew before the expiration of your subscription.

  • Which is the scope of the support?

    Our support aims to make our extensions functional as described in our pages. Modifying the extensions , adding extra features or rendering them compatible with 3rd party extensions is not covered by the subscriptions we are offering.

    How can i get the extension after the payment?

    After your payment, you have to log-in and visit our downloads area. You will be able to download your extensions from there

    What happens when my subscription period expires?

    If your subscription period expires, you can continue using our products. However you will not be able to access new releases, updates and support.