Version 2.4.2 - Security Update (11-October-2016)
Summary | Status |
A potential security vulnerbility found in 2.4.1 | FIXED |
Filtering did not work in multi-lingual sites when there was no translation in current language and sef was enabled | FIXED |
Some errors in the sef process | FIXED |
Version 2.4.1 (3-October-2016)
Summary | Status |
Remove backwards compatibility with Joomla! 2.5 and Virtuemart 2.6. Now the extension works only with Joomla! 3.5 and Virtuemart 3.x | IMPR |
The results layout breaks with VM 3.0.18 and later, with templates released for older versions of Virtuemart | FIXED |
Searching with more than 1 word could return all the products of the shop, when the sku was enabled as searchfield | FIXED |
Multi-Lingual shops: Categories and Manufacturers were not loaded in the filtering module, when there was no translation in the current language | FIXED |
Multi-Lingual shops: Products were not returned as results when there was no translation in the current language | FIXED |
Code refactoring and removal of deprecated functions | IMPR |
Version 2.4.0 (11-July-2016)
Summary | Status |
The results view breaks with VM 3.0.17 and later due to changes in the Virtuemart view's variables | FIXED |
Search for part of skus as well (PRO) | IMPR |
Search phrase should be at least 2 characters. Front-end and back-end validation added (PRO) | ADDED |
Order by drop-down fixes for VM3.0.17 and higher | FIXED |
A js error in the free edition of the module was causing problems to the the module's backend (FREE) | FIXED |
Version 2.3.2 (5-April-2016)
Summary | Status |
Dynamic price ranges did not work correctly when we change currency | FIXED |
The module's tabs can be broken under circumstances in Joomla! 3.5 | FIXED |
Fix of sevaral notice messages | FIXED |
Update of the language files | IMPR |
Addition of Slovak language | ADDED |
Version 2.3.1 (12-February-2016)
Summary | Status |
Cache categories even when they use counter - makes the categories loading at least 3x faster | IMPR |
Load only subcategories when a parent category is selected/visited (setting) | ADDED |
Removal of some duplicate sql queries execution to make it even faster when it returns results. | IMPR |
Compression of scripts makes them half lighter in page loading | IMPR |
Dynamic price ranges did not work (PRO) | FIXED |
Clear in search did not clear all the filters, if the component is configured that way (PRO) | FIXED |
Fixing of warning messages and code cleanup | IMPR |
Version 2.3.0 (15-December-2015)
Summary | Status |
A new layer for more advanced security | ADDED |
Sef urls in the pagination links also | IMPR |
Wrong urls in subcategories including also the parent category in some cases | FIXED |
Use of calendars with date format m-d-Y was generating an error (PRO) | FIXED |
Important refactoring of several classes | IMPR |
Version 2.2.12 (30-October-2015)
Summary | Status |
Shopper groups were not taken into account, when used in the latest versions of Virtuemart (PRO) | FIXED |
Untraslated string COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDERING,PRODUCT_NAME in the ordering drop-down | FIXED |
More advanced security | IMPR |
Did not sort the products by the "Ordering,Product Name" field | FIXED |
The counter in the categories was showing 0, when another filter was selected and the empty categories were set to be displayed as enabled | FIXED |
Range sliders styling was distorted in some cases (PRO) | FIXED |
Minor fixes | FIXED |
Version 2.2.11 (04-September-2015)
Summary | Status |
Empty custom filters generate some reduntant markup/html in the module (PRO) | FIXED |
When no counter is used, the same category remains always selected because of caching | FIXED |
Price range now takes into account only the tax rules (Vat. VatTax). That makes it more accurate in most cases (PRO) | IMPR |
Empty categories are displayed in drop-downs even when they are set to be hidden (PRO) | FIXED |
Range inputs did not take decimal numbers (PRO) | IMPR |
Dynamic price range takes into account the type of the searchable products (parent/child) (PRO) | FIXED |
Code cleanup and minor improvements | IMPR |
Version 2.2.10 (06-August-2015)
Summary | Status |
Can return parent products while searches into the child products (PRO) | ADDED |
At east 2x faster loading of the categories filter | IMPR |
Could not save the "input_slider" display type for a custom filter PRO) | FIXED |
Could not open the advanced settings for the "input_slider" display type for a custom filter (PRO) | FIXED |
Clear option was missing from the color buttons (PRO) | IMPR |
Use of special characters, in the custom field value field (default value) could create a problem | FIXED |
The filters were not displayed in the Manufacturers List view | FIXED |
Code cleanup and minor improvements | IMPR |
Version 2.2.9 (12-June-2015)
Summary | Status |
Javascript issues in Virtuemart 3.0.x when ajax is used (PRO) | FIXED |
Much faster ajax functionality (PRO) | IMPR |
Drop-down lists when used with ajax they did not updating the address bar using sef urls (PRO) | IMPR |
Using Manufacturers image links with ajax and search buttons caused an error when sef urls were enabled (PRO) | FIXED |
Logger added. Now all the messages (errors, warnings) are strored in a log file | IMPR |
Code cleanup | IMPR |
Version 2.2.8 (28-May-2015)
Summary | Status |
Markup error in the drop-down lists. Generated by the spans within the option tag | FIXED |
Multiple parent categories can be selected when checkboxes (PRO) | FIXED |
Both parent and child categories can be selected when checkboxes (PRO) | FIXED |
Order by "order, product name" (VM 3.0.9) causes fatal error | FIXED |
Advanced settings are not saved in the component with the "range_input_slider" display type (PRO) | FIXED |
Manufacturers do not display images. When the image display type is set (PRO) | FIXED |
Code cleanup and php notices fix (PRO) | IMPR |
Addition of ARIA properties that makes it easier for persons with disabilities to use the filtering module | ADDED |
Version 2.2.7 (08-April-2015)
Summary | Status |
Problem with the price search in HTTP loading mode and sef urls(PRO) | FIXED |
Custom values were not searchable when they were more than 1 word (PRO) | FIXED |
"Range Inputs and Range slider" display type in the component (PRO) | ADDED |
Improvements to the events related with the module update, when the button is used to return results (PRO) | IMPR |
Less database tables used by the component, to generate filters in the backend (PRO) | IMPR |
Version 2.2.6 (10-March-2015)
Summary | Status |
Using the search field in ajax mode, sometimes the module's filters were not in accordance with the displayed results (PRO) | FIXED |
When there were custom filters selected and the "order by" field was used, an error produced (PRO) | FIXED |
Did not take into account the user's shopper groups when he/she was logged in (PRO) | FIXED |
Optimizer was returning a server error when it was trying to set an index in a non-existent table (PRO) | FIXED |
Order by the MPN field was producing an error (PRO) | FIXED |
Improvements to the module's layout (PRO) | IMPR |
Completion/Improvement of the German and Ducth translation (PRO) | IMPR |
Version 2.2.5 (06-February-2015)
Summary | Status |
Using more than one range filters, or a range with a price range, was returning wrong results (PRO) | FIXED |
Some code cleanup (PRO) | IMPR |
Version 2.2.4 (18-December-2014)
Summary | Status |
After selecting parent categories without products, the module was loading the filters of their sub-categories (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Version 2.2.3 (12-December-2014)
Summary | Status |
The search procudes an error when it searches also into the categories (category name) (PRO) | FIXED |
Version 2.2.2 (08-December-2014)
Summary | Status |
Child products are searchable and filterable even when they have no category/manufacturer (PRO, Starter) | ADDED |
Dynacmic calculation of the min and max price ranges in the module (PRO) | ADDED |
Lighter and faster especially with Virtuemart 3 (PRO, Starter) | IMPR |
Selection of custom filters from the module was not working (PRO) | FIXED |
Error in the backend (Virtuemart 3) when a custom filter had advanced options. The categories were missing (PRO) | FIXED |
Was not loading some scripts and styles that Virtuemart 3 uses (PRO, Starter) | FIXED |
Version 2.2.1 (11-November-2014)
Summary | Status |
Clearance of the filters after a new search did not work with ajax (PRO) | FIXED |
Auto-expand the subcategories having products after a search (PRO) | ADDED |
The search had some problems with non-latin characters (PRO) | FIXED |
Clear option was not displayed in the search, when the search button was used (PRO) | FIXED |
Products rating was not loaded in the results (PRO) | FIXED |
The tabs in the module settings were not working with the Spanish language (PRO) | FIXED |
Version 2.2.0 (22-September-2014)
Summary | Status |
New Search Engine that searches products in a sophisticated way (PRO) | ADDED |
A new Module solely for Products Search (PRO) | ADDED |
A search functionality added to the Filtering Module as well (PRO) | ADDED |
The result pages are more SEO friendly by adding meta tags where possible (PRO) | ADDED |
Canonical urls added where possible to avoid duplicate pages for the search engines (PRO) | ADDED |
Several fixes to be compatible with bootstrap/jquery and Joomla 3 (PRO) | FIXED |
The Joomla's Permissions (a.k.a A.C.L.) were implemented in the component's backend (PRO) | ADDED |
Ability to select specific custom filters for each filtering module. Usefull in case of different filtering modules for different user/shopper groups (PRO) | ADDED |
Faster filtering and stronger security (PRO) | IMPR |
Several javascript errors fixed (PRO) | FIXED |
Version 2.1.1 (11-August-2014)
Summary | Status |
The options in the filters were not returned in some cases (PRO) | FIXED |
Version 2.1.0 (15-July-2014)
Summary | Status |
Ability to work with Virtuemart's shopper groups (PRO) | ADDED |
Joomla's live update integrated (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
At least 1.5x faster and cleaner code in the module and the component (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
The counter of the filters was not always the same with the number of the returned results (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Works with Virtuemart 2.9.8 RC and fixes issues with Joomla! 3. Do note that we cannot still guarantee stability with 2.9.8 RC | FIXED |
Follows the settings of Virtuemart about the ordering direction of the products (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Smart search returns also the unexpanded subcategories of a category tree (PRO) | IMPR |
Manufacturers were not displayed in some cases (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Version 2.0.0 (6-June-2014)
Summary | Status |
Fully compatible with Joomla! 3 (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Works with Virtuemart 2.9.x (developer versions for VM3). (Starter, PRO) This support cannot be guaranteed, since these versions are not stable | ADDED |
The "sort by" drop down menu was not working when ajax was used for loading the results (PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.9.8 (2-June-2014)
Summary | Status |
Changes to incorporate the new pattern of VM2.6 and later concerning the use language files. Fixes the issue where the language strings where not loaded (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.9.6 (17-March-2014)
Summary | Status |
Pagination was ignoring the total products found (PRO) | FIXED |
Missing language strings in some languages (PRO) | IMPR |
Version 1.9.5 - "Speed first" (11-March-2014)
Summary | Status |
Optimizer tool in the backend. This tool is checking the database tables of your shop and optimze them to work as efficiently as possible. This can boost the speed of the filtering extension and the whole shop (PRO) | ADDED |
Code refactoring to become even faster. Every function and query is executed only once (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
Categories filter is cached when no counter is used. This can improve performance in case of a long category trees. (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
More precise price filtering, taking into account all the calculation rules (Only tax was used before). It also takes into account the calculation rules per categories and shopper groups (only globals were used) (PRO) | IMPR |
Fixes to the ajax calls for the module. In some cases it produced errors (PRO) | FIXED |
Ordering by featured product produced an sql error (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
When scrollbar and checkboxes that exceed a number, show the selected options on top (PRO) | ADDED |
Trim whitespaces from the end of the custom field values (erps and other systems are adding trainling spaces) (PRO) | IMPR |
Czech language added (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Version 1.9.4 (2-December-2013)
Summary | Status |
Wrong display of sub categories at the top of the results page (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Minor fixes concerning some notices (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.9.3 (21-November-2013)
Summary | Status |
The component was crashing with the Virtuemart 2.0.24b because of changes in the Virtuemart's category functionality (Starter, PRO) important | FIXED |
The ajax add-to-cart functionality was not working, if used in the Virtuemart category and the filtering results pages (Starter,PRO) | FIXED |
Incorrect counting of products and filtering options, when the "out of stock" products are set not to be displayed in Virtuemart (Starter,PRO) | FIXED |
Counting of products was not taking into account the "Booked, ordered products" (Starter,PRO) | FIXED |
When the user is logged in and belongs to multiple shopper groups, no products returned (Starter,PRO) | FIXED |
Price filtering can now work with different prices per shopper groups (PRO) | IMPR |
Price filtering can now work with different prices per quantity ranges (PRO) | IMPR |
Modifications and removal of obsolete code, to work better with the latest Virtuemart versions (Starter,PRO) | IMPR |
Version 1.9.2 (5-November-2013)
Summary | Status |
Smart search was not displayed in 1.9.1 (PRO) | FIXED |
Price filters had problems when used together with the currency change module (PRO) | FIXED |
Better indexing by the search engines, improving some html attributes (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
French language added to the core (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Version 1.9.1 (12-September-2013)
Summary | Status |
Smart search did not work in 1.9.0 (PRO) | FIXED |
Filters ordering was not working in starter version(Starter) | FIXED |
In thumbnail images display type (manufacturers) the links were displayed twice (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.9.0 (7-September-2013)
Summary | Status |
Generation of filters from some plugins is possible. For example Customfields For All plugin (PRO) | ADDED |
Shorter sef urls ommiting some parts where possible (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
4 New display types - buttons single, buttons multi, color buttons single, color buttons multi. (PRO) | ADDED |
Display of range filters (Sliders, Range inputs, Calendars) to specific categories (PRO) | ADDED |
Clicking on input elements such as checkboxes and radio buttons will generate the same urls as clicking on their link label (PRO) | IMPR |
Fixes to the ajax functionality. Some problems were detected in IE and in some templates (PRO) | FIXED |
Custom filter options were not translated (PRO) | FIXED |
When certain variables were selected from other modules e.g. The VM category module, and the appropriate filters were not displayed e.g. The category, then the selected var is not stored and is lost in the next searches (PRO) | FIXED |
The code of the whole extension is refactored to be even faster (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
New language Brazilian Portuguese in the core | ADDED |
Version 1.8.3 (7-August-2013)
Summary | Status |
Custom filters did not display the 1st empty option when they were displayed as drop-down lists (in some cases) (PRO) | FIXED |
Pagination of the results page is now configured from the result's page menu item (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Some undefined variables when the module was empty or hidden in some pages (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.8.2 (25-June-2013)
Summary | Status |
The pagination was stripping part of the custom field value, when the encoded custom field value contained letters (a-zA-Z) (PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.8.1 (6-June-2013)
Summary | Status |
When the button is used together with AJAX the results are not following the limit (PRO) | FIXED |
When the button is used with AJAX, when the page is changing it looses all the filters (PRO) | FIXED |
Range callendars display type is always visible in the back-end of the cf component (PRO) | FIXED |
CSS improvements (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
Version 1.8.0 (21-May-2013)
Summary | Status |
Shorter sef urls creating a menu item for the results page. Read Here (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
Settings for the sliders from custom fields added in the backend of the CF component | ADDED |
When a custom field is a list, order the values as a they are in the list. Not in alphabetical order (PRO) | IMPR |
Nofollow was not added in the options, having as a result the indexing of all the links from the major search engines (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
List items displayed after using the smart search could not be selected (PRO) | FIXED |
Highlight matches in smart search (PRO) | IMPR |
Setting icons for categories is now also in the free version (Starter) | IMPR |
The Sliders are now working in mobile devices (PRO) | IMPR |
Italian and Spanish translations were added (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Version 1.7.1 (4-April-2013)
Summary | Status |
Setting to return or not the child products (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
New display types: Image links for Manufacturers, Date range using callendars for the date custom fields (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Fatal error when there is only text input but not slider for the filters that use ranges (PRO) | FIXED |
The clear option was not displayed in the categories when checkboxes and the ordering was other than tree (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
On category selection reset all selections , setting (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
Improve the way the category tree works whith checkboxes (PRO) | IMPR |
Fixes for the RTL direction (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Improvement of the results page to load also plugins and some other variables that concern a selected category (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
Improvements to the generated HTML code in order to be valid (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
Version 1.7.0 (4-February-2013)
Summary | Status |
AJAX for loading the results (PRO) | ADDED |
Unpublished and out of stock products are not included in the counting (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
The foldable category tree was not working correctly when parent categories were links (PRO) | FIXED |
The vars from the Virtuemart pages were not used by the module when it was loaded with ajax (PRO) | FIXED |
Reset should not reset the category, when the category filter is unpublished (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
Do not display empty or null values in filters (PRO) | FIXED |
MySQL error when the results order was set to 'ordering' (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Get the default list limit from the VM settings (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
Version 1.6.1 (7-January-2013)
Summary | Status |
2 new display types for the custom filters. Input Range and Slider Range With these display types is possible to filter the products using ranges for the integer custom fields (PRO) | ADDED |
The ajax module loading did not work when the module was assigned on specific pages (PRO) | FIXED |
Expanded/collapsed state of categories had some problems when there were a lot of parent categories (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
VatTax was not calculated in the price filtering. (PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.6.0 (28-November-2012)
Summary | Status |
Expandable/Collapsible category tree (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Advanced Category tree settings - expand/collapse icon, parent as link etc (PRO) | ADDED |
Strore the collapsed/expanded state of each filter (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Dependency direction setting (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Multiple instances of ajax type modules in a page (PRO) | FIXED |
"Empty options display" as setting in each filter (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
Hide the clear button from the price search when there is no price set (PRO) | IMPR |
Spinner icon on AJAX requests to stay where the mouse is ,when an element is clicked (PRO) | IMPR |
On "Reset All" return all products, did not work (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.5.3 (7-November-2012)
Summary | Status |
Filters were not displayed in the VM search page and some other pages when they were set to be displayed on "Other Virtuemart Pages" (PRO) | FIXED |
The Module was returning no ajax results when there was at least 1 drop-down llist of custom filters and the search was done using a button (PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.5.2 (30-October-2012)
Summary | Status |
Search also using a button and load the dependencies using AJAX (PRO) | ADDED |
Smart search at the top of each filter for searching easily within the filter's options (PRO) | ADDED |
Set a filter to be displayed as collapsed or expanded (PRO) | ADDED |
Scrollbar after a height (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Ability to use multiple module instances within a page (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
When there were 2 options with the same id attribute, IE was always selcting the 1st one (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
The counter was also counting the unpublished products (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.5.1 (26-September-2012)
Summary | Status |
Dependencies are not working well for custom filters, when the "Empty Options Display" is set to "hide" (PRO) | FIXED |
Custom filters are still displayed when all the options are empty ,the "Empty Options Display" is set to "enabled" and the "Display filter if empty or disabled" is set to "No" (PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.5.0 (20-September-2012)
Summary | Status |
Much faster (in most cases) (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
Counter beside each option (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
"Reset All" button (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Better multi-language functionality (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
When there is only 1 "sorting by" field and is default. The order by field is disappeared (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Loading of the correct css and js files to collaborate with the template overrides (Starter, PRO) | IMPR |
Slider did not work in RTL sites (PRO) | FIXED |
Price Filter did not take into account the "" (PRO) | FIXED |
Version 1.4.2 (10-July-2012)
Summary | Status |
Javascript error "from_price" is null when the price filter is not displayed (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Warning message when the global tax is zero (PRO) | FIXED |
If we have only 1 category selected, check if it has children and display them at the top of the results (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Version 1.4.1 (5-July-2012)
Summary | Status |
Price filter returns no results when there is no global tax (PRO) | FIXED |
Results page ItemId setting in the module (Starter, PRO) | ADDED |
Order By does not include the price filter vars (PRO) | FIXED |
Order By does not include the custom filters vars (PRO) | FIXED |
Order By creation date produces an SQL error (Starter, PRO) | FIXED |
Display of some PHP notices (Starter) | IMPR |
Version 1.4.0 (19-June-2012)
Summary | Status |
Price range filter with text boxes and slider (PRO) | ADDED |
More conditions for the filters display (PRO) | ADDED |
Spaces missing in the category tree. So some subcategories are displaying as parent categories | FIXED |
Filters ordering module setting. Set which type of filter you want to be displayed 1st, 2nd etc. | ADDED |
Version 1.3.3 (23-May-2012)
Summary | Status |
Filters are not displayed in the Starter (FREE) version | FIXED |
Minor fixes and improvement to the speed | FIXED |
Version 1.3.2 (10-May-2012)
Summary | Status |
Problem with the "display custom filters if exist: manufacturer" module setting | FIXED |
In some cases category ordering is not correct in the tree mode | FIXED |
Excluded Categories setting in the categories filter | ADDED |
Modification of some language strings in order to work with joomla's language overrides | IMPR |
Manufacturer filter conditional display (if category or custom filter is selected) | ADDED |
Version 1.3.1 (7-April-2012)
Summary | Status |
Load of mootools-more in the module. This way the accordion effect will always work | IMPR |
Modifications to be compatible with VM2.0.4 | IMPR |
Imrovements to the js code to avoid conflicts with the jquery library | IMPR |
Imrovements to the multi-language functionality | IMPR |
Version check to the backend. It shows if the current version is updated | ADDED |
Version 1.3 (28-Feb-2012)
Summary | Status |
Removal of some deprecated functions (In the 12.1 joomla framework) | IMPR |
Fixes to be compatible with VM2.0.2 | FIXED |
Products display based on Shopper Groups | ADDED |
Fix to the results page pagination | FIXED |
Pathway (breadcrumbs) to the results page | ADDED |
Version 1.2 (3-Feb-2012)
Summary | Status |
Clear option when used checboxes | ADDED |
"Hide empty options" does not work in drop-down lists | FIXED |
Version 1.1 (2-Feb-2012)
Summary | Status |
Problem to the custom filters conditional display, when "category or manufacturer" | FIXED |
Problem to the router.php when category_id[1]=something but category_id[0] does not exist | FIXED |
ASC ordering of the custom options | ADDED |