This document offers the basic knowledge for installing , configuring and using the custom fields for all plugin. This document is copyrighted © 2013 -2025 Terzis Athanaios/ The document is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License []. You can distribute it freely as long as you do not modify it and state its source and/or author. You cannot use this document or any portion of it for commercial purposes. If you require such use, for example to deliver it to your clients as part of your site building service,please email the author in order to acquire such a license and the source to this document.
Installation/Update and Setup
After downloading the plug-in from our site, just install it using the joomla installation process.
The installer will enable all the necessary extensions. Hence you can start using it immediately.
Then please go to Extensions > Plug-in Manager to set your download id, that lets you perform automatic updates.
Check how to get your Download ID.
Go to Components > Virtuemart > Custom Fields and press New. Then as Custom Field Type select “Plug-ins”. Fill in the rest fields till the end of the page.
The Is a list field has to be disabled
If you want your custom field to be selectable both the Cart Attribute and the Cart Input settings have to be set to Yes.
For static/non-selectable custom fields, set them to No.
In the “Select a plug-in” select “Custom Fields For All”
After selecting the plugin type, the parameters of that plugin will be loaded.
The correct configuration of the plug-in is essential to the plug-in's behavior in the back-end and the front-end of your site. So it follows an explanation of the settings found here.
- Data type: This is used to validate that the inserted data will be of a specific type.
- String/Text allows any input
- Color Hex. (Hexadecimal) allows only colors in hexadecimal format.
If you select this, a color picker popup will be displayed when you will try to insert a new color.
Also beyond the color value, you will be able to set a label/caption for each color value. - Integer Number allows only integers e.g. 10
- Float Number allows decimal numbers e.g. 10.45
- Display type: It defines how the custom field will be displayed in the front-end of the site i.e. Buttons ,Color Buttons, Drop-down lists, etc.
- Required: Leaves the field without selection and prompts the user to select an option if he/she tries to add the product to the cart.
- Price Variant: Set this to Yes only if your custom field values will affect the price of the product.
- Display Price : This setting has meaning only if the custom field is price variant.
It indicates how the price of each custom value will be displayed in the front-end of the site. - Values : This section displays all the values of that custom field. You can insert the values you intent to use now or later from within the product form.
If you want to insert hex. color values. You better first save your custom field and then insert the values. This way you will be able to use the color picker popup.
If you use that custom field together with our Stockable Custom Fields plug-in, then you better enable the Is required setting. This setting will load the custom fields without any default selection and the proper variation will be loaded after something is selected. Also you should disable the "Cart Input" and the "Cart Attribute" parameters.
After the creation of the custom field lets go to assign it to a product.
Select a product and go to the Custom Fields Tab.
Then from the Custom Field Type list select the custom field you have created previously.
If any value has been assigned to that custom field previously, you will see them in the list.
You can select the existing values, insert new values or do both.
If the custom field is price variant, only 1 value can be set per row.
You have to insert the custom field multiple times to the product, to set multiple values.
If you go to your custom field's page (Products > Custom Fields). You will see that all the values that you have assigned to your products, are there.
Here is the control panel of your custom field. Every modification you do here will affect all the assignments you have done to your products.
For example if you rename the Metal to Metal/Inox , this modification will be reflected to all the products where Metal is assigned.
If you delete any value, all the assignments of this value to the products will be deleted.
Another important functionality here is that you can order the custom values as you want them to be displayed in your front-end site and in the admin, inside the product form. All the value boxes can change position through drag and drop.